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.22 Steel Plate Challenge

The .22 Steel Plate Challenge is a bi-weekly shoot held on alternating Monday nights at our outdoor range. It is a fun shoot, and while scores are recorded, unlike many matches there are no first-place finishers and shooters simply shoot against themselves and try to better their scores and times.

Designed to be an affordable and fun outing, courses are laid out so that shooters of any level from beginner to experienced can have a good time while honing their shooting skills. While keeping an ever-present focus on safety, the intent is a stress free, relaxed environment for shooters and spectators alike.

2 different length courses are laid out each evening, one for pistol, one for rifle. Distances are chosen to be reasonable for target hits for each course, with the pistol being closer and the rifle a bit further away. Shooters can shoot both pistol, rifle or both should they desire.

Each course is run by 2 club members. One of these is to record your hits/misses and time for score, the other is the RSO (Range Safety Officer) who oversees the shooter at each station and ensures proper gun handling and safety.

Regardless of variation in layout, the course consists of five steel plates that vary in distance and height. Four of the plates are white, the fifth is a “stop plate” and is colored red. The stop plate is the final shot and when engaged regardless of whether all the white plates have been shot ends the shooter’s stage. Shooters can engage the white targets in any order they wish, and when finished an aggregate total of hits/misses and the time required for each round are added up.

Upon command from the RSO, the shooter loads their firearm and places the muzzle on a safety barrel, notifying the RSO that they are ready to shoot. The RSO activates a timer which produces a loud beep that signals the shooter to begin. Shooters engage targets in any order desired with an intent of hitting each one. Hits can be verified by sound or impact mark as the steel is repainted frequently between rounds. The red target signals the end of the round.
The RSO then gives commands to safely unload the firearm, then checks to make sure it is unloaded and safe.  After the firearms are secure, scores can be registered and any fixes to targets can take place.

Regardless of initial times and scores, shooters in time aim for less than 4 seconds for round-an achievable time as experience grows.  Shooters may re-engage the course as many times as they desire, with a fair rotation of other shooters and available daylight being the only factors.

The event goes quickly and can be viewed as a “drop in” event. Set up is 4:00 p.m. followed by a mandatory Safety Briefing. Shooting will start following the Safety Briefing, and will continue until all present have shot. Cost is $2.00 for club members and $4.00 for non-members (like all SRPC organized activities this is completely open to the general public as well).

Shooters simply need a .22 rifle, pistol or both to enjoy this activity, and should someone not have one there are always individuals willing to share their firearm, so others can enjoy or simply try the activity out too. Other requirements are eye/ear protection, and it is suggested to bring around 100 rounds each evening. If multiple magazines are available shooters are encouraged to bring them to speed up the stages as well.

Contact Information

Josh Allen

22 Steel Plate Videos:

Jim Straw (head of the event) with a 3.64 second round!

Todd Haefke with His Son's Upgraded Ruger 10/22:

Ruth Wilsing, A 22 Steel Plate Regular:

Kristi Lawrence goes 9 for 9:


Who has ever played the Hasbro board game called Battleship? For those of you who have not or maybe it has been a few years, lets refresh your memory. The game is played by trying to locate and sink your opponent’s ships by calling out locations on a grid. We are bringing Battleship to the Sheboygan Rifle and Pistol Club...but with 22LR rifles!

Battleship Rules

This event is meant to be for fun and no official scoring will be kept. Safety will be top priority followed closely by have some fun with this.

Targets will be set up at 50 yards. There are 15 colored circles on each target. The goal is to shoot each circle on the target one time. 3 sighter shots will be allowed at the start of each round at a separate target. Each shooter will be given 3 minutes to fire 15 rounds at their designated target. After the 3 minutes are finished, the range safety officer will ask if anyone needs more time to finish firing their rounds. Once everyone is finished all of the guns will be set on the benches with chamber flags installed. Once every firearm on the line has a chamber flag installed into it the line will be made safe and we will be allowed to go downrange and look at your target. The “hits” aka the circles that have been shot will be marked. After everyone is back behind the firing line the range will be made hot and the shooter will be given another 3 minutes fire an additional 15 rounds to attempt to hit the remaining circles.

Any .22 rimfire rifle will be allowed. However, since the circles are about the size of a quarter it is recommended that a magnifying optic is installed. It is also recommended that you have either enough magazines or large enough magazines
to hold the 15 rounds without having to stop and reload a magazine in the middle of the 3-minute time period. Special time extension may be given by the range safety officer for firearms that have a tube style non-detachable magazine that does not hold the 15 rounds.

Rifles Available for Participants Without a Scoped 22LR Rifle:
The Club has a rifle available for shooters that do not have a scoped 22LR rifle.  One would have to purchase ammo from the Club to use the Club rifle; currently the cost for the 33 rounds of 22LR is $3.

Kids Shoot FREE:
Kids are able to shoot for free.  However, if borrowing the Club rifle, one would still have to purchase the Club ammunition.

Battleship Section Page

Contact Information

Cowboy Action

Unique shooting events and matches stem from criteria that can be limiting to equipment, distances, and like the Buffalo Matches held at the Sheboygan Rifle and Pistol Club can be limited to an era.

The sport of Cowboy Action Shooting developed from a desire to level the playing field in competitive shooting while at the same time adding some flavor to events by paying tribute to a different time and era.

Like with most sports, equipment can play a large factor in success. Equally skilled shooters using unequal levels of equipment ($500 gun versus a $3,000 gun) favored the higher end using participant and began to turn away some shooters.

But what if shooters were limited in the firearms they use to an era? Of a certain level of technology? This thinking resulted in the creation of Cowboy Action Shooting.

Though firearms can be new manufactured as well authentic, Cowboy Action Shooting requires competitors to use firearms of the mid to late 19th century. These would include single action (hammer must be manually cocked before each shot) revolvers, lever action rifles chambered in pistol calibers, and side by side double barreled shotguns (also known as “coach guns” for the stage coaches they protected). Pump action shotguns of the era (such as the Winchester 1897) with external hammer are also allowed, and if a double barrel it can be with or without external hammers but cannot have automatic ejectors).

Though not required, participants are encouraged to dress appropriately for the era. Further yet most shoot under alias, and the Sheboygan Rifle and Pistol Club has shooters going by names like “Two-Bit Charlie”, “Harry S. Grogan”, “Scipio Sam”, “The Analog Kid”, “Rusty Mike” and “Snake Bayou”.

Singular or multiple stages can be shot, each typically requiring 10 shots from revolvers (six shooter loaded with 5 cartridges, resting on an empty chamber for safety), 10 rounds from the lever action (chamber empty to start, action must be worked to get first round in) and between 2-8 shotgun rounds. Targets are steel and only “hits” and “misses” are recorded.

To keep with the adventure of this style of shooting, stages often have a theme. Bank robberies, stage coach attacks and any other theme from the wild west are eligible. Scenarios are presented to the shooters, and often to begin each round the shooter will signal they are ready by saying an opening line (i.e. “I’m looking for the men who robbed the stage coach”).

In mind with safety, loaded firearms are not allowed unless you are the shooter. A separate loading area is put on the side so that muzzles can be kept in a safe direction. Each shooter loads under the watchful eye of another shooter to make sure it is being done safely. When ready the shooter meets an RSO (Range Safety Officer) who will stay with them through the course. With firearms stationed where they need to be (sidearms in holsters), the shooter gives their opening line.

The RSO activates a timer that responds to gunshots, accurately measuring the time though when any last shot is measured. As the timer’s alarm goes off, shooters engage targets as the scenario dictates. For example, shooters may be required to shoot a series of 5 targets with a revolver, then 4 targets with shotgun, then 10 with their rifle before finishing the final 5 targets with their other revolver.

When done, the RSO escorts the shooter to an unloading area that offers the same safety to handle the firearms in making sure they are empty and clear of any cartridges. At this point the stage is scored.
Scoring in Cowboy Action is based on time and actual hits. Usually it begins with the shooters actual time, added to that is 5 seconds for each miss. An additional 10 seconds is added to the score for any “procedural” penalties. These include shooting targets out of order given and any action outside of the prescribed instructions in that scenario.

With a focus on safety and fun, Cowboy Action is for anyone. Popular with shooters who do not want to struggle with keeping up on technology and just want to use simple manual firearms to see how they engage steel targets, and those just looking to have some fun are encouraged to try it out.

Contact Information

Two Bit Charlie 920-980-1735 or

10m Airgun (temp banner)

10m Air Gun


We shoot air pistols and rifles Tuesday nights starting at 6:00pm through the end of March. We need to limit projectile velocity to around 500 feet per second so we don't shoot through the back stops. We will set up a 10 meter range but we can move some targets closer if need be. All members, family and friends are welcome. The club has 4 pistols for you to use so you don't have to bring your own and we will have ammo and targets available too. There will be a small charge per person but we are still looking at what that will be.

Check the calendar for scheduled dates and time.

Rules can be found at:

NRA Pistol Rules

Contact Information

Mike Reil 414-630-4749 or email

Simunition Shoots

Though the outdoor range is open 12 months a year to members, certain activities counter the warm month usage with unique events held mostly indoors.  One of these activities is a monthly “Simunition” shoot held in our clubhouse, beginning in September and ending in April.

The intent of these matches is to promote skills that are required for close range shooting and are in line with applications one may face should they exercise their right to concealed carry firearms.

Firearms used are altered actual firearms in which the slide and barrel are replaced so they cannot accept real life ammunition.  This is done for safety, along with a rule that no live firearms may be present while this activity is occurring.

The ammunition is unique to these guns and are manufactured in conventional calibers like 9 mm and .223 (5.56x45) but are not able to be fired in regular firearms.  The cartridges fire a relatively accurate projectile that can penetrate and mark a paper target.  There is enough energy created to shoot the projectile and eject the empty casing, but hearing protection is not required as it is as loud as a cap gun.  The only required protection is eye protection.

Scenarios are set up and shooters are not allowed to see the course they will fire.  This is to encourage real action and reaction to situations.  Darkness is always a factor and use of flashlight skills are developed.  While one may assume to keep their flashlight on at all times, in reality that would also mark and expose the shooter to someone they are trying to protect themselves from.

In addition to low light conditions, other elements are often added to create realism and a better actual response from the shooter to better prepare for any situation they may face in real life.  These can include loud noises, screams, gunshots, sirens and alarms on an auditory level.  Flashing lights, obstacles and unique circumstances like having to shoot from your weak hand (in case your strong hand is disabled) are all added at various times to make a unique course every time.

Shooters begin the scenario by entering the shooting area accompanied by an RSO (Range Safety Officer) who escorts them.  The RSO stays behind the shooter and is there to help observe and later give feedback on ways to improve. 

The shoots are designed so that anyone can do them, there are no special physical skills required.  Scores are based on hits and skill usage.   Unlike shooting on our regular range where all projectiles head in one direction, this exercise/shoot allows 360-degree shooting possibilities more reflective of real life and often move outdoors to practice unique situations like needed to shoot from a car.

Fees are determined by the number of rounds fired and a sign up is required as the course needs to be reset for each shooter.  Cost is usually between $10.00 and $20.00 dollars and shooters can leave when their course is done.  It is a nice drop in and drop out activity that is fun and valuable without having to dedicate an entire evening to an activity.

Contact Information

Chris Nehring 920-892-4917 or e-mail

Steel Blast

You might be asking yourself what Steel Blast is since you never heard of it. The idea is simple: the club has many steel targets that action pistol uses: poppers, a Texas star, a steel rack, etc. Well why not utilize it? And that is how Steel Blast was conceived. This will be one of the more relaxed shooting events: other than following safety rules it's basically just plinking using Club steel and pistol caliber, centerfire firearms (PCC: pistol caliber carbines are also allowed).

Steel Blast is a bi-weekly shoot held on alternating Monday nights at end of our 200-yard range. Like .22 Steel Plate, there are no first-place finishers and shooters simply shoot against themselves and try to better themselves or keep time if they want. Unlike .22 Steel Plate, this event if for centerfire cartridges.

Like .22 Steel Plate, splatter is a serious concern; especially with jacketed pistol bullets and their brass jackets. Safety glasses must always be worn by shooters and observers; failure to do so will result in having to leave for the day.

We will have tables set up to store your empty pistols, another table to load magazines, and a barrel/table if you do not want to draw from a hip holster. The key is a gun will never be loaded or have a magazine--empty or not--in the pistol until it is your turn to shoot and instructed by the Range Safety Officer (RSO) to load and make ready.

Upon command from the RSO, the shooter loads their firearm and places the muzzle on a barrel/table or reholsters their handgun, notifying the RSO that they are ready to shoot. If the shooter wants to be timed, another member will activate a timer which produces a loud beep that signals the shooter to begin. Shooters can engage any or all of targets we set-up, in any order desired, with an intent of hitting as many as they so choose. Hits can be verified by sound, impact mark, or knocking down the steel. The RSO then gives commands to safely unload the firearm, then checks to make sure it is unloaded and safe. After the firearm is secure and the range is deemed safe, the RSO will declare the range safe, and then everyone will go down range to reset the course and gather brass. Then the next shooter takes his or her turn.

Shooters may re-engage the course as many times as they desire, with a fair rotation of shooters and available daylight being the only factors.

Since you can shoot as much you want, you could: practice mag changes, draw from a hip holster, or even bring your favorite revolver. As such, if any Cowboy action shooters want to show up decked out in their Cowboy attire and bring their 6-shooters, feel free to stop by.

Set up starts at 4:00 p.m., a safety meeting around 4:50pm, and shooting normally beginning at 5:00 p.m. The event goes quickly and can also be viewed as a “drop in” event; however, if you miss the safety meeting make sure you see Ryan Linder to get oriented. Cost is $2 for club members and $4 for non-members. Like all SRPC organized activities, this is completely open to the public and we hope to see you there.

Contact Information

Ryan Linder 920-750-1799 or 

Steel Blast Videos:

Shooter Taking on the Whole Course on 5-13-19
Shooter Taking on the Texas Star on 5-13-19

Jim Schuldt Running the Course on 8-3-20
Ryan Linder Struggling on the Texas Star on 5-13-19